
MP3’s and bodywork

Gosh, we are busy. I guess we have never been as busy as we are now. Our heads are running over with things to do, things to buy, things not to forget and… mmmmhh what did we forget.

To keep you up to date with we have been doing. Today, monday, the new kenwood MP3 audio system was installed. Now we can boogie and dance all the way to China without getting bored of the same old tapes. I still remember the days when my parents had three tapes in the car.

1 Barbara straisand

2 Abba

3 Ten popular fairy tales by HC Anderssen

(we would hereby like to thank the inventor of MP3!)

Besides this we had some welding done on the van and the breaks checked. This was done by Sjef van Ginneken of the VCT2 club. After finishing this we sprayed bottom with bodyshoot to protect it from rust and stones.

This eve we fixed the cars bodywork to give it a tv-proof look. This meant quite a bit of bodywork and a very nice paintjob. All in all we were finished well after midnight. Exhausted we fell asleep!