In the news in the Media!
Every tuesday you can read about us in our Column in the dutch newspaper ‘Spits’. Interested? read our first column here (dutch) hits the frontpage of Carp Magazine and had a two pages article published with several pictures! Dutch readers can read the interview on!

18-02-03 Michel interviewed over the phone by Babette Alma of Radio M!
28-03-03 Michel and Elles guests in talkshow of Radio M hosted by Catrien Straatman! Friday february 28 we were guests in the talkshow ‘De stem van M’ van Radio M. De show was presented by Catrien Straatman. In the show we discussed the work of SOS-Childrens Villages, the journey, the route and everything we have to take care of before we leave
14-03-03 Michel and Elles asked to play an important role in a television programme, Details will follow!
23-03-03 gets article in Australian Clubmagazine and several articles in Dutch VW Bug Club Magazine
28-02-03 Drivetheplanet on television. Friday March 28 we were guests in the TV show Utrecht Centraal’ of RTV Utrecht. The show was presented by Catrien Straatman and broadcasted at 18:40 and re-run every hour till the next morning. In the show we discussed the work of SOS-Childrens Villages, the journey, the route and everything we have to take care of before we leave!

29-02-03 Drivetheplanet article Dutch vw club magazine!
01-04-03 article in SOS Childrens Villages bulletin!
17-05-03 Article in Spits about the expedition and the upcoming column!
read more about the article here (dutch)
28-05-03 Lots of
26-05-03 Large article in Autoweek
31-05-03 Live interview from the racetrack of Monaco on Yorin FM!!
17-06-03 Live telephone interview from Meteora Greece for Radio M!
04-07-03 Live telephone interview from Turkey with Catrien Straatman, Radio M!
20-07-03 Large article in One Magazine!
21-07-03 Live telephone interview from Erzurum Turkey for Radio M!
21-07-03 Large article in Pharmacy newsletter
08-08-03 Article about the Go-tan SMS&WIN action for SOS-Children’s Villages, Initiated by can be read on
16-08-03 Drivetheplanet on television.
Images were broadcasted on SBS6 Hart van Nederland of our travel through turkey and Iran during a 3,5 minute item!
30-08-03 Drivetheplanet again on television
Saturday night, new images were broadcasted by SBS6 Hart van Nederland. They showed 3,5 minutes of our adventures in Iran and Pakistan.
They also showed our visit to the SOS-Village in Lahore!
02-09-03 Live telephone interview from India for Radio M!
08-09-03 Live radio interview for BNN, Weg met BNN! from Shimla, India
Every tuesday you can read about us in our Column in the dutch newspaper ‘Spits’. Interested? read our latest column here (dutch)
Coming soon: