

It was our aim to get up early, have a quick breakie, visit Persepolis en then head towards Bam. But our plan fell to pieces when we woke up at 10 and felt tired of the horrible ride from Yazd. We couldn’t be moved and even a fresh melonshake could’nt start the day.

When we finally arrived at about one in the afternoon, it was already over 40 degrees. Persepolis was an old Achemenian capital and what’s left are incredible ruins.

Because of the heat we had difficulty deciding whether to take a guide or not. But as it is the place to see in Iran we decided to go for it. Packed with enough fluids for 3 hours we started. But, within minutes we regreted it as the guide started complaining about the fact that the girl he loved did not want to marry him, his mind was full of it and he’d probably forget half he should tell us about Persepolis. We couldn’t believe it… we followed him and fortunately picked up some interesting things which were not in the guidebook.

Just as we wanted to leave, we met a group of Iranian students who wanted us on the pictures and wanted to know where we came from. They even brought out a big old camera to film us. When they found out we had an internetsite they all grabbed pens and papers and started to push each other to get it written down. We felt like hollywood movie stars.

It was already after 5 when we headed towards Bam, a ride of more then 500 kilometers. We knew we couldn’t make it there in one go so we had to sleep somewhere halfway. We found a perfect spot in front of a policestation along the road. A very safe place as it was guarded by heavily armed policemen. We were welcomed with a drink and were offered to use their bathroom. Unfortunately they had not seen a cleaner in ages. Although the place was heavily guarded, we didn’t sleep tight. We awoke about every hour and have seen better nights!